Kigelia africana

Kigelia africana
Also known as the sausage tree for its distinctively long fruit, Kigelia africana grows throughout tropical Africa where it is valued for a number of traditional uses. The tree reaches 15 to 18 m (50 to 60 ft) high, maturing in four to six years, and is popular as a street tree in South Africa for its dense, shade-giving crown and glossy foliage. Its burgundy, bell-shaped flowers have a slightly fetid odor, but the woody fruits that follow are Kigelia africana’s defining feature. Weighing up to 14 kg (30 lb), the grey-brown, sausage-shaped fruits grow to 0.6 m (2 ft) long with a 10 cm (4 in) diameter. They are poisonous while unripe, but the pulp is edible after being baked and is often utilized in the fermentation process of traditional African beer. Roasted seeds are also eaten, as well as the dried leaves, which are nutritious and rich in minerals. The sausage tree is also used widely in indigenous traditional medicine, with applications for stomach ailments, rheumatism, wounds, respiratory problems, and skin care. The trunks are even hollowed out into dugout canoes, called makoros in Botswana. Kigelia africana grows well in moist soil with good drainage in full sun or light shade, with some drought tolerance as established trees.
Suitable for outdoor planting in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 to 11
Collected in 2023 in Kenya