Pterolobium stellatum

Pterolobium stellatum
The scrambling or climbing shrub Pterolobium stellatum, commonly known as redwing, is the only member of its genus native to Africa. It reaches 2 to 15 m in height and is dense with compound leaves, sharp prickles, and when in bloom, cream-colored spikes of small, fragrant flowers. The plant gets its name “redwing” from prolific winged seed pods that are scarlet when young and brown with age. Pterolobium stellatum is used in agriculture as a live, impenetrable fence with its prickly, rope-like branches that can be pruned to different dimensions. In its native range it often surrounds vegetable gardens to deter animals from the crops. The leaves have also been traditionally used to make a black or red dye. With a wild habitat of seasonally dry tropical forest or bushland, this species thrives in red loam soil and full sun.
The minimum tested germination rate is 70%
Collected in 2021 in Kenya